Yoga Health Coach

Certified Professional Coach

Wilderness Guide

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

-Mary Oliver

More than an expedition wilderness guide,

Emily has been taking groups of people to remote places in the world and coaching them in life altering breakthroughs for over a decade. In spending over 1000 days in the wilds with people, she has seen the journey into the wilderness inside us to be as transformative and wild as the journey through the forests and along the coastlines.

Wild Within Coaching was founded in 2020 from an understanding of this transformative value of immersive wilderness experiences and the integration of peak experiences into our daily lives. Now offering support in each area: Adventure Retreats facilitating breakthrough AND custom coaching to help bring these insights forward and expand on them.

“I believe the best quality of life we can live is one of engagement in continually evolving our best version of ourselves. A balance of full acceptance for what is and stretching to be better, heal deeper, and play our unique edge. This is truly a life of adventure, and a life well lived.

Starting her career as a river guide and outdoor education instructor, she then learned coaching skills and scope on the front line of Southeast Alaskan expedition based wilderness therapy. The process, which was overseen by the clinical team at a distance, was extremely powerful and therapeutic. As she rose through the ranks of field guide, head guide, in-field trainer and lead trainer for senior field guide expeditions at staff training, it was eventually time to follow her own journey. There had been wake up calls along the way, injuries, challenges with shifting management, and a general feeling that the full value adventure lifestyle on the road and in the woods had reached it’s peak. As much as full on wilderness therapy in Alaska engages a person in their growth zone, Emily felt the call to adventure in creating her own offering to the world.

“I believe in Wilderness Therapy for all; there are programs out there for troubled teens and addiction therapy programs, which I fully support, and what about you and me - folks that are engaged in their own personal evolution and want the wilderness as the container and adventure as the metaphor?”


This specialized process provides:

Sustainable Results

I will seek to elicit solutions and strategies from YOU and believe that YOU are naturally creative, resourceful, and have the answers.

Lasting Change

I will listen BEYOND what you are saying; I will observe, encourage self-discovery, and customize your approach to meet your needs.

Support to Thrive

I will help you make adjustments, remove roadblocks and support the skills, resources, and creativity you already have.

Hi, I’m Emily.

I am the lead coach and founder of Wild Within Coaching, and I am so excited that you are here. I am a passionate outdoor traveler, a spiritually minded journaller, and an adventurous entrepreneur.

I believe we have an incredible opportunity in this lifetime to really live out our own unique path. My first round of coaching training was a lot of learning to listen and let go of our own opinion. Let the client lead, trust the process, and know that each person has their own truth inside of them, we are just helping each other find it. I experienced the accelerated personal growth that comes from this approach of deep listening and intuitive questioning, as well as the frustration when someone tries to guide me to their answer. As a coach, my aim is to listen to you - all aspects of you. What are you saying, behind what you are saying? What is your body telling you, your intuition? I believe in asking the hard questions and holding up a metaphorical mirror for clients to see their patterns more clearly, to really understand what their truth is.

As I moved toward the end of my first coaching course, the fatigue and extra emotions I had been experiencing as part of burnout were lingering on. I realized this was not something that was going to fix its self with just a break from being “in the field”. I started studying Ayurveda, the ancient practice and sister science to yoga out of India. I had been exposed briefly when traveling in Nepal and later to India, but did not understand the practice or value. I was mentored by Cate Stillman and Yoga Health Coaching and appreciate her ability to take a complex system and make it as simple and applicable as possible. Simple, daily habits. Start small to gain traction and if a habit is not happening, it’s too hard or there isn’t a big enough reason why. And it helped, a lot. One of those everyday yet awesome healing journeys that turned into a health and wholeness journey still continuing 4 years later that is a part of the evolutionary path.

And now? The journey continues. Striving to be a better coach, entrepreneur, friend, partner, sibling, skier, paddler, biker, writer, crafter… But with grace and space, a whole lotta love and joy for the journey because growing is so much fun, evolving is so fun, seeing what is around the next corner is so fun - always practicing gratitude for where I am and striving to be better at the same time. Come join me on the ride!

What clients have to say:

“I chose Emily as a coach because I wanted to do some soul searching and her message really spoke to me. I’m in my late 30’s and wanted to rediscover the free spirit and sense of adventure I had when I was younger. Emily is a great listener and her presence is very calming. She used visualization exercises that helped me really tap into what I wanted to pursue as a husband, father, creator and business owner. I made some important decisions and became more aware of my self defeating behaviors. I have definitely been taking better care of myself since my sessions with Emily. I’m getting a lot more done in my creative work as a result of pouring my focus into the projects that light me up and express the authentic me.”

How do you feel after your first coaching session with Emily?

"I feel so happy right now; everything (all aspects of my topic) seems clear and I feel excited to put 3-4 hours a week towards my goal". Emily, thank you!

If you're looking for clarity on a certain topic and a non-judgmental, supportive mirror, choose Wild Within Coaching.

With Joy,


“Speaking with Emily, I felt heard. She was able to mirror back what themes and energies she could feel off me, and that gave me such self-insight and learning. She then helped to lift each rock and look under it and experiment with moving it around with me which was so helpful in getting out of boxes I’d created in my own head. Thanks Emily.”

~ Anonymous

Things I Love:

  • long river trips

  • guiding great folks on awesome journeys

  • learning new things

  • making bead crafts

  • potlucks

  • ice cream

  • feeling tired at the end of a day of physical work

  • bike trips

  • experiencing all the different seasons

  • band practice

Pet Peeves:

  • Paying for parking

  • Feeling like I settled

  • Having too many books on the go

  • When someone is camping in the middle of your favorite site

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten”. -Mark Twain

Wild Within Coaching is all about recognizing this pattern and shifting it. Deciding we want something different, new and exciting, something very powerful. The name Wild Within came from the journey, from realizing that rather than looking outside our wise selves for answers, there is a whole wild within that has the answers to every question.

Emily has worked with a wide variety of clients; starting in outdoor education with university students and behavioural modification with teens in Alaskan wilderness therapy, her own experience of injuries and burn out lead to a health journey of her own that developed into coaching others on daily wellness habits, group health coaching and working with addicts in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse.

Immersive wilderness experiences still appeal as the best container to work through the big life questions and look honestly at one’s patterns. When founding Wild Within Coaching a two fold mission came about: offer intentional wilderness experiences to more people and create a space between the peak experiences to integrate and expand on the insights of the journey. Emily has certifications in several outdoor designations as well as Applied Positive Psychology, CORE Energy Leadership, Ayurveda through Yoga Health Coaching, and is a trained yoga teacher. Throughout these trainings Emily has felt shy in the labels that accompany them, that people would think she is ‘too woo woo’, but all of these areas offer great tools, insights, and balance to our western ways and modern day hustle. Emily prides herself in still being a badass wilder queen, even more so because of the support and balance that yoga and mindset training offer her.

Overall, she has found there is a great adventure to be had in all areas of our lives. From travel and outdoor pursuits to dating and relationship, career development and purpose exploration, healing and recovery, health and wellness, and clarifying our life vision and taking daily action toward it. Please reach out for more information, to connect for a conversation, or if you would like to try out coaching to reach your goals.

Follow our journey on Instagram.